Monday, August 31, 2009

Networking in 24 hours

Networking in 24 hours
Free e-book for networking. for download this file klik this link

This book provides a reference guide for anyone who wants to get up to speed on computer network concepts and networking technologies. Because each piece of networking hardware and software operates differently, it would require a book the size of the New York City white pages to cover all aspects of the subject. Thus, this book concentrates on fundamental concepts. Emphasis is placed on understanding how the major components of a computer network function and how to use proven practices to deploy, upgrade, and maintain the network.

This book has been overhauled for this Fourth Edition, including scores of references to commercial products and websites. New coverage has been added related to Microsoft Windows Server software. Updated information on the Linux platform and wide area networks (WANs) is also included. The wireless material on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth has been updated and expanded. As well, the latest Internet security protocols have been added to Hour 20, “Security.”

The book is divided into six parts. Each part provides a body of information that covers a specific area pertaining to computer networks.
Part I, “What Is Networking?,” introduces networking, including an overview of the primary components of computer networks. This part explains the broader issues of how hardware and software function to support the interworking of computers, servers, routers, and other devices.

Part II, “The Basics,” focuses on the concepts underlying data networks. We examine how packet-switching operates and look at the operations of local area networks (LANs) and WANs. This part discusses computer network protocols and explains a widely used conceptual model that depicts how a sending computer transfers data to a receiving computer. Because of the impact and importance of wireless networks, the hour on this topic has been moved from Part VI (of the previous edition) to this part of the book.

Part III, “Building Networks,” walks you through the process of planning and building a network from conception to implementation. Issues related to planning network capacity, creating the network, and then connecting to the Internet are included as part of the discussion. For this latter discussion, the information of TCP/IP and related, supporting protocols has been expanded.

Part IV, “Network Operating Systems,” provides an overview of network operating systems, the major network servers, and Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008, UNIX, and Linux.

Part V, “Network Administration,” examines the issues related to administering a network. This part includes discussions on both troubleshooting and management. . Part VI, “The Future of Networking,” examines future possible implementations of wireless technology, operating systems, and other aspects of networking. This part discusses the issues related to the future of Linux, the emerging network “cloud,” nationwide wireless hotspots, and the extraordinary field of protein-based computers. For these 24 hours, you will be the designer of a computer network, as well as its implementer. After you have successfully created a plan for the system, you will undo the shrinkwrap and assemble the components. Next, you will take over the role of the network administrator and make sure the users are happy with your creation. Don’t worry—you’ve been blessed with a competent project team; you can delegate a lot of the work to them.

Download this book

International Financial Reporting Standards A Practical Guide (Fourth Edition Hennie van Greuning)

International Financial Reporting Standards A Practical Guide (Fourth Edition Hennie van Greuning)

Each chapter follows a common outline to facilitate discussion of each Standard.

1. Problems Addressed identifies the main objectives and the key issues of the Standard.

2. Scope of the Standard identifies the specific transactions and events covered by a Standard. In certain instances, compliance with the requirements of a Standard is limited to a specified range of enterprises.

3. Key Concepts explains the usage and implications of key concepts and definitions.

4. Accounting Treatment lists the specific accounting principles, bases, conventions, rules, and practices that should be adopted by an enterprise for compliance with a particular Standard. Recognition (initial recording) and measurement (subsequent valuation) is specifically dealt with where appropriate. Ix Introduction

5. Presentation and Disclosure describes the manner in which the financial and nonfinancial items should be presented in the financial statements, as well as aspects that should be disclosed in these financial statements—keeping in mind the needs of various users. Users of financial statements include investors; employees; lenders; suppliers or trade creditors; governments; tax and regulatory authorities; and the public.

6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation discusses items of interest to the financial analyst in chapters where such a discussion is deemed appropriate. It must be emphasized that none of the discussion in these sections should be interpreted as a criticism of IFRS. Where analytical preferences and practices are highlighted, it is to alert the reader to the challenges still remaining along the road to convergence of international accounting practices and unequivocal adoption of IFRS.

7. Examples are included at the end of most chapters. These examples are intended as further illustration of the concepts contained in the IFRS. The author hopes that managers in the client countries of the World Bank will find this format useful in establishing accounting terminology, especially where certain terms are still in the exploratory stage. Feedback in this regard is welcome.

you can download this file

Sunday, August 30, 2009

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Friday, August 14, 2009

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Check File Size ( Find File Size )

gimana caranya mencari file yang berukuran tertentu di linux
stat command example
anda dapat menampilkan file atau file sistem dengan menggunakan perintah dari prompt. Opsi -c dapat digunakan untuk menampilkan informati tentang ukuran file tersebut

$ stat -c %s fw8ben.pdf
contoh output:

pada perintah di FreeBSD:
$ stat -s file.txt
ls command example
gunakan perintah ls:
$ ls -lah fw8ben.pdf | awk '{ print $5}'

Sample output:

dapat juga menggunakan perintah:
$ s=$(ls -lah idg.fw8ben.pdf | awk '{ print $5}')
$ echo $s

$ s=$( stat -c %s fw8ben.pdf)
$ echo $s

Mengecek memori yang digunakan di linux

Linux memiliki perintah-perintah yang berbeda dalam mengecek memori yang digunakan. Anda dapat mengamati secara langsung perubahan-perubahan yang terdapat dalam memori secara real-time. Dan anda pun dapat melihat program apa saja yang sedang berjalan dan menggunakan memori seberapa besar.

perintah free

$ free –m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 750 625 125 0 35 335
-/+ buffers/cache: 254 496
Swap: 956 0 956

$ free -t -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 750 625 125 0 35 335
-/+ buffers/cache: 253 496
Swap: 956 0 956
Total: 1707 625 1082

Perintah vmstat
$ vmstatOutput:
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
1 0 0 131620 35432 341496 0 0 42 82 737 1364 15 3 81 1

perintah top
perintah ini akan menampilkan memori yang digunakan dan menampilkan program apa saja yang berjalan